[2017, OLD] Contextual Studies - Thursday 21st September

Today was our first time in 'Contextual Studies' which was fine, until talk of the essay came up. Now yes, it is formulative and yes, it's only 1000 words, which really isn't that much but if there is anything I truly despise it's writing. Of any kind (Which is the main reason I still haven't finished my film review for this week).

The session as a whole was fine, it genuinely helped me think up few ideas I might touch upon when doing the rest of my thumbnails and I'm interested to see what we look at next week. It's just I'm really not good at writing. Now, yes, I understand I'm literally typing a diary out right now but it's not the same, I just can't write and think at the same time, all I'm doing right now is ranting out loud and dictating my rants. That's why last year I stuck to recordings for my journal.

But I'll do it anyway. I mean, I literally did this exact same essay (just a thousand words shorter) last year for the foundation course. So I know I can do it, maybe.


  1. Not only will you 'do it', Ollie - you'll do it brilliantly, because by the time it comes to 'do it' you'll know how to do it and your confidences will be dialled up and you'll be looking back at this post and thinking 'Who was that guy?' :)


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