Digital Drawing - 8th October

Today was 6 hours of digital drawing. We had a little bit of infomation on composition, and how to use leading lines to draw the viewer in, so I sketched out a redo of one of my thumbnails.

Once we were done with that I spent the rest of the day doing thumbnails/sketches for the final 3 shots. I'm trying to focus on the idea of where the bamboo comes from, how it's grown, farmed, etc. 
So far I'm working under the idea that the people reuse the old zinc mines and grow the bamboo in the pooled water at the bottom. Like how many quarries are turned into lakes once they're used up.


  1. :)

    .... and I like the joined up thinking re. the excavations as bamboo nurseries - that makes sense - it also means those bamboo plantations would be enormous! FYI...


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