Digital Drawing - Monday 12th November

Here's a couple of initial thumbnails I did in today's Digital Drawing session!
Not really going in with the intent of creating buildings just yet, but more to try and break down and understand Nithiyendran's "Language" (Or how he comes up with his pieces) with the goal of then "Rebuilding" a city from those parts.

As part of this idea, and to help me in the later stages, I tried to also do this with Nithiyendran's colours. Essentially taking the colours I can find on his pieces and slapping them on a spectrum. Hopefully this will help me decide on my cities colour pallette when I get to that point.


  1. very interesting spectrum thing you've got there - really captures his preferences very quickly! I'd like to see you uploading your images a little bigger on here as a rule - there's a lot of negative space on your blog template. I'd like to see your images taking more of that up! Also don't forget to number your thumbnails - it will make everyone's lives a bit easier when they want to pick and choose.


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